The California State Parks Foundation does a great job of promoting the health and benefits of California’s State Properties including Parks, Beaches and related areas. Today, they emailed me with a petition discussing the efforts to try and build a toll road across the San Onofre beach in Southern California, requesting help to stop the toll road from being construction.

I am not surprised by these pressures. California is seeing devastating developmental pressures and this one is not new. The coastal commission is also quite unreliable in these matters, though, this has gone in front of the courts.

I believe the piecemeal legislations will work for a while, but these developers have laid bare a fact that protecting California’s natural resources is going to require a long haul after all.

The petition meanwhile, if you are interested in protecting California’s natural beauty for generations to come, awaits here:

I hope you will entertain CSPF’s request and help protect San Onofre State Beach!