The movement to protect Chuckwallas in California

Image Source: I have to confess, in all my travels across California, especially the Joshua Tree National Park and its surrounding environs, I have never photographed a Chuckwalla. Having learned about these wonderful lizards, I am now yearning to see one, and of course, for personal satisfaction, photograph one. If you are a nature…

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An arm and a leg for a piece of land – what it takes for Native Americans to win a slice of their land back

Yesterday brought some great news about the Esselen tribe, of whom I just learned through the same news, winning back a sliver of land that was once theirs, through the help of the Western Rivers Conservancy (WRC). You can read all about it in the CNN article linked below. I am glad that WRC got…

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Site Notes: Lodi Lake, California

For nearly 18 years, I have been roaming up and down California, hiking, photographing and simply soaking in nature and the wonderful people of California who have the capacity to make the smallest of all feel at home, with family. I don’t know what the future holds, but I would like to call California my…

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